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In Numbers

Shaping the future of security with quantum innovation.


Physical security has become a cybersecurity problem.

Physical security is no longer just about physical barriers; it has become deeply entangled with the challenges of cybersecurity.
Industry Challenges

Technological Lag in Physical Security

The access control industry has fallen decades behind in adopting advanced security technologies, leaving facilities exposed to modern threats.

Inadequate Anomaly Detection

Current systems fall short in proactively identifying unusual activities, such as potential security breaches or signs of human trafficking, leaving facilities vulnerable to unforeseen threats.

Lack of Verifiable Data Integrity

As data tampering becomes increasingly sophisticated, there’s a critical need for a robust system that guarantees the authenticity and integrity of physical security data logs.

Smart Reporting 

Facilities need real-time, intelligent reporting that provides staff with actionable insights promptly.

Our Quantum Response

We ensure that the very foundations of your security system are rooted in cyber-resilient technologies by harnessing the unparalleled randomness of Quantum Random Number Generation (QRNG) and blockchain-based ledger systems.
Generate truly random and unpredictable numbers used as secure keys in encryption, ensuring secure communication and data storage in the cloud.  

More Random than Random

Advanced Intelligent Reporting
Providing customized, intelligent reports based on customer preferences.
Secure Ledger System
Track entry data immutably using blockchain technology, preventing tampering while providing tools for data visualization and intelligent searching.
Enhanced Anomaly Detection
Providing intelligent and actionable notifications based on system anomalies and preferences.
Become a Partner
Our approach is collaborative and customer-focused. We begin by understanding your specific needs, challenges, and infrastructure. Then, we tailor our solutions to fit seamlessly
 into your existing systems.
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